September 2012 Archive


Saving Paul Ryan — How the New York Times Covers (Up) Ryan’s Extremism

By Marie Burns: On Friday, Paul Ryan made a 25-minute speech at the “Values Voters Summit,” an annual project of the ultra-conservative, Christian fundamentalist Family Research ...

Chicago Teachers Strike

The Chicago Teachers and Their Students’ Test Scores

By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer: Many crucial issues are at stake in the Chicago Teachers Union strike. But the school district’s insistence that student test ...

Voter ID

In-Person Voter Fraud: Not Really a Matter of Opinion

By Kevin Drum: After running a story about voter access laws last Sunday, the New York Times got some complaints from readers about its he-said-she-said treatment of whether voter fraud is ...


Home Ownership and Retirement Savings

By Dean Baker: The NYT had an editorial discussing how unprepared most workers are for retirement. While most of the points in the piece are well-taken, it would ...