By Peter Dreier: The New York Times should be embarrassed. On December 24 it gave a Christmas present to the corporate-backed lobby group Fix the Debt with its ...
By Dean Baker: That seems to be the view of the NYT editorial board which concluded a piece on the fiscal standoff by saying: "But if Congress cannot approve ...
By Stephen Lacey: Many were disappointed after President Obama’s first post-election press conference when he talked about the urgency of climate change — and then immediately swept aside ...
By Pascale Bonnefoy: Santiago, Chile — Eight retired army officers were charged on Friday with the murder of a popular songwriter and theater director, Víctor Jara, who was tortured and killed days after the 1973 military coup in a stadium that had been turned into a detention center.
By Zainab al-Khawaja: Earlier this month, Aqeel Abdul Mohsen, 19, was shot in the face for protesting against Bahrain’s government. He was covered in blood, with ...