January 2013 Archive

Photo by Carolina Georgatou

This is Why WikiLeaks is Important, and Why the NYT Should Be Defending it

By Mathew Ingram: The debate over whether WikiLeaks should be seen as a media entity like the New York Times took on a new urgency this week...

Bob Woodward

Why are Bob Woodward’s WH Sources - or Woodward Himself - Not on Trial Next to Bradley Manning?

By Glenn Greenwald: There are numerous travesties defining the ongoing prosecution of accused whistleblower Bradley Manning, but none more dangerous than the accusation that by leaking classified information, he "aided and abetted the enemy"...

Jacob Lew and President Obama

Jacob Lew: Another Brick in the Wall Street on the Potomac

By William K. Black: The New York Times has just run two articles confirming that President Obama intends to appoint Jacob Lew as Treasury Secretary Geithner’s replacement.  Most ...

Bradley Manning

Manning Case Raises Troubling Questions For Journalists

By Michael Calderone: Here's a back-and-forth from Wednesday's proceedings in the case against Pvt. Bradley Manning that should be troubling for journalists. Colonel Lind, the judge, asked a prosecutor ...


A Day in the Life of … Barack Obama

By Norman Pollack: Obama’s Second Term commences shortly. I expect nothing, except more of the same...

White House Diversity

Bean-Counters of the World, Unite!

By Bob Somerby: We’re going to give Ruth Marcus credit. Wednesday, she wrote a column on a topic which became an instant standard: Obama doesn’t have enough women in his second-term cabinet!


Goldberg Smears JVP After ‘NYT’ Columnist Mentions Them for Defending Hagel

By Alex Kane: New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof defends the nomination of Chuck Hagel yesterday...

Rewriting History: James Buchanan and the National Debt

By Dean Baker: It is customary not to say bad things about people when they die, but that is not a reason to construct an alternative reality, as the NYT appears to have done in its obituary for James Buchanan.

NYT Sports Page

New York Times’ ‘Seinfeld-esque’ Sports Page Shows the Power of Nothing

By Sara Dickenson Quinn: The New York Times sports staff reminded us of that again with their cover “story” about this year’s Baseball Hall of Fame inductees — or lack, thereof.


The Dog That Doesn’t Yelp or Howl!

By Bob Somerby: Will Obama mint a $1 trillion platinum coin? We’ll guess that’s extremely unlikely.