By Fire Tom Friedman: Confession: I’m burnt out on Tom Friedman. I hardly ever read him any more, having digested the five columns he lazily recycles ...
By Fire Tom Friedman: There's a pretty repulsive profile of Bradley Manning on the front page of yesterday's New York Times, which declares, "the roots of Private ...
By Fire Tom Friedman: Arthur S. Brisbane, the most timid in a long line of timid New York Times public editors, is having an existential crisis. ...
By Fire Tom Friedman: Belén Fernández is the author of the brand-new The Imperial Messenger: Tom Friedman at Work. Below is part 2 of my interview ...
By Fire Tom Friedman: Great news, Friedman haters! Tomorrow is the official release of The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work by Belén Fernández. It's the book I ...