Are Better Work-Life Policies the Key to Gender Equality?

February 19, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Maya: The always-brilliant Stephanie Coontz thinks so. In an op-ed in the New York Times this weekend, she argues that gender equality in the US has stalled ...

On Transgender Healthcare, NYT Reports Tree, Ignores Forest

By Julie Hollar: The New York Times reports that in the last few years, several elite U.S. universities have begun to cover sex reassignment surgery and/or hormones for transgender ...

The Heart IS a Lonely Hunter: Making It Right

By John Grant: In The New York Times February 6th on pages 20 and 21, across from each other, there were two tragic stories centered around the themes of sex, race and power.

New York Times Revises Ed Koch Obit To Include AIDS

By Jack Mirkinson: The New York Times revised its Friday obituary of former New York City mayor Ed Koch after several observers noticed that it lacked any mention ...

A Girl Reads the New York Times: Why Are All the Front-Page Articles By Men?

By Diane Wachtell: The paper of record can't find any women reporters?

The New York Times Thinks Male Magazine Founders Are Intellectuals But Their Female Peers Are Fashionistas

By Katie J.M. Baker: Congratulations to relatively new “intellectual magazines” The New Inquiry and Jacobin: the New York Times thinks you’re both worthy of coverage! Well, not equally so. The 20-something ...

Cultural Traditions that Oppress Women are not Worth Preserving

By Amy S. Choi: Writing like this makes me want to pull out my hair. In an otherwise decent New York Times story about the myriad forms of violence that women in India face on a regular basis, sits these paragraphs...

The High Price of Being Single in America

By Lisa Arnold and Christina Campbell: In October 2009, New York Times reporters Tara Siegel Bernard and Ron Lieber compared a hypothetical married couple with an equivalent-earning unmarried gay couple...

Technology Killed Courtship. Good Riddance.

By Amanda Hess: In the New York Times this weekend, reporter Alex Williams mourns “The End of Courtship.” Texting is to blame for dating’s demise. “Instead of dinner-and-a-movie, which seems ...

Bean-Counters of the World, Unite!

By Bob Somerby: We’re going to give Ruth Marcus credit. Wednesday, she wrote a column on a topic which became an instant standard: Obama doesn’t have enough women in his second-term cabinet!

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