We want your help! Are you a new or seasoned writer or journalist who follows the New York Times or are interested in doing so? If so, please consider contributing to NYT eXaminer (NYTX).

NYTX believes that we are all Public Editors -- so we offer our online platform to you. We need your help analyzing Times' articles on major issues of the day. We love fact checking, source analysis, and assessing the Times' reporting against its own ethical and journalistic standards, human rights, international law, constitutional law, science, truth and social justice.

We will consider publishing a variety of different kinds of content so long as it is pertinent to our overall goals and purpose (see our about page).

Here are some specific ways that you can get involved:

- Analyze Times front-page articles, Editorials and Op-Eds, national and international sections.
- Apply "Frame Analysis" and/or "Semantic Analysis" to Times content.
- Analyze advertising that appear in the paper or on its website.
- Write financial news or analysis about the New York Times Co.
- Help analyze NYT's tracked changes that NewsDiffs provide and that we feed through our website.
- Apply standards of international law, human rights, scientific consensus, environmentalism, labor rights, and social justice values to Times' reporting.
- Explore the portrayal of gender, race, class, and power in the Times.
- Provide an institutional critique of the Times and/or mainstream media broadly.
- Analyze internal institutional relations at the Times and how changes in the broader media landscape may influence Editorial decision-making.
- Report or provide information about internal labor and management relations.
- Give praise where the Times does good work or suggest where they could do better or differently.

To get involved use the form below (for PGP, OTR, etc., go here). Let us know what you want to do! You can also submit articles and content here. If you have trouble uploading a file please just send an email through the form for further instructions.

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Acceptable file types: doc,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 1mb.